New Series of Blogs!
Hello again, I am back this time, no I mean it, I am back! As you probably can tell this blog is titled 'Things that Grind my Gears', basically this is a series of blogs that I will be making, writing about the things I hate, and that annoy me. Of course I will give my reasons and I don't want anyone to get offended as this is just MY opinion, but I would love to hear what you think of the things I dislike, or even mention things you dislike.
Smoking in Public
As you may know if you are a resident of the UK, smoking in a public place is illegal, well thats what I thought, but it seems that if it is outside (of the public place) then it is fine. I know some people may think I am being a bit petty, but seriously if I can smell or breathe smoke it makes me uncomfortable. I really dislike it when eating outside of a pub, someone is smoking and then I have to eat my food around this person, I feel that when people smoke, they need to do away from people, and I don't mean in the middle of a path where people walk past, I mean in a designated area.
Recently, I took a short break down the coast, in England, I noticed that a lot, I mean A LOT, of parents, were smoking freely around their children, especially people in cars, with babies in the back.
There are many reasons why I hate this, obviously it is passive smoking, which means that the smoke can have the same affect on the people surrounding the smoker, which can obviously for children become a big problem when growing up. Secondly, the children have no choice, if that child has health issues in later life, because of the affect of smoke, they can't do anything about it, and a child can't exactly tell their parents to stop, or even acknowledge that it can have effects, so I think that parents need to have more care.
I was reading an article, a couple of months back about peoples thoughts on the matter, and parents feel that if they are outside with the children, the fumes will just go up in to the air, WRONG. It is a fact that smoke lingers, and can linger for hours, meaning that children who go in to the effected area, can still be attacked by the harmful toxins.
What can parents do? They need to make sure they smoke away from there child, not out of a door, whilst the child sits in the room, but in an isolated area. I know this can sound all a little dramatic but smoking can really damage a child's health.
I know many people may disagree with me, and I feel that this would be so difficult to police, but It would be great if it was banned, now I don't mind people smoking, but when I have to sit in an effected area, I think its against my rights to have to breathe it in. I do feel that the government need to do a lot more to tackle this, but not just rising prices, as we all know this hardly has an effect on anything, as if someone wants something they will get it.
It just really grinds my gears when I come across people smoking near children, that is the worst thing for me to witness. There is a lot that can be done to stop smoking and get more people to quit. I really feel that smoking is a bad decision, because not only it can damage your health but it can also damage your finances.
I am going to conclude my first chapter of , 'things that grind my gears!', I hope you enjoy it, and please take into account that this is my own opinion, and I would love to hear your thoughts.
What do you think about smoking? How could this issue be tackled? Comment below or email me your thoughts to (with subject line, the title of article).
Thanks, see you again soon!
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