Wednesday 30 September 2015

Arcade Block September 2015

Saturday 7 March 2015

Apple Event - Rumour Round-up - 9th March 2015

Hello, do you remember me? I am really sorry for going off the radar in the blog department, I am now going to give a really cliche excuse as to why I haven’t been writing consistently, I was….busy. Did you guess correctly? I literally have been really busy, I am doing A levels which is a bundle of joy (please note the sarcasm) and I have also been setting things up for my future, basically what I am going to do with my life after I have ‘got through’ the A levels, if that’s a nicer way of putting it. So to kind of give you a ‘decent’ blog post, I am going to do a ‘rumour round-up’ of all of the expectations/thoughts that are circulating on the run up to the Apple Event on 9th March. Just to quickly my blogs will be staying the same with my style of crappy grammatical error filled writing with the ‘quirks’ added on top. So let’s discuss what rumours are being said. 

Firstly, Apple Watch, this is obviously going to be the star of the show and we will see the innovative smart watch in more depth. More questions that we’ve had since it was announced will hopefully be answered. Prices have been mentioned by Apple and they priced the standard Apple watch around $349 which is £232, I personally believe that the watch will be a £100 more than that for us in the UK, let’s just ‘watch’ this space, see what I did there…. ok. There are many different version of the Apple Watch, the most expensive to be is the 18 karat rose gold watch, this is expected to be a ‘premium’ this meaning the price is going to be whopping, I wouldn’t put it on show whilst your out and about, your arm might be ripped off. The tech giant have reportedly said they are expecting to sell over 1 million Apple Watches (standard editions) every month, that is a bold claim from Apple, but it makes sense if they set up pop up displays in jewellers and other outlets which has allegedly been reported. 

Apple Watch, Standard Edition.

Battery life is another big question on everyones mind, Apple did hint that you will ‘want to charge the Apple Watch every night’, could this mean a short battery life. Sources say that they expect the battery life to be around 5 hours which doesn’t seem long enough but for the recommended use it should accommodate for it. Many sources such as 9to5Mac have said that the Apple Watch should only be used in short bursts, and not to be used for a couple of minutes each time like you would with a smartphone, this making sense with the battery life. Reading that gave me a sense of relief as the battery life doesn’t seem too bad after all. I also suspect that a few developers with apps for the Apple Watch will make an appearance to showcase their new applications specifically for the device. I am hoping for a great outcome for the Apple Watch, I really think it has a chance to succeed and to make a statement in the smart watch industry. 

A new Apple TV, Macbook updates and even bigger iPads have been rumoured across various sites in the run up to the event. Apple TV is due a long awaited major update, there have been a few things mentioned but nothing really specifically or descriptive, people are just wanting or expecting something new in the pipeline for the product. I personally don’t believe anything will be mentioned about the Apple TV, but if there is something, it will be nice to see. 

iPads, getting even bigger? Reports have said that there might be an even bigger tablet on the market, no screen sizes have been fixed in terms of rumours there have been various sizes mentioned from fans expecting. Bigger iPads for me is a no go, I prefer my iPad mini, I do think that it’s a smart idea on Apple's point of view as iPad are widely used in work, retail, and school environments, so making a bigger screen would be greatly suitable. 

Rumoured 'iPad Pro'. 

Lastly, MacBooks, there are many rumours suspecting that the Macbook Air 13” is due to be updated as a spec leak image was shown across social media, unfortunately this can not be authenticated, but I agree that this is an option and probably will happen, it will be upgraded to the broad well processors as Apple do keep on top of their hardware in products, I think this is a must on their part. In addition to that there are also reports for a CPU upgrade in the Macbook Pro line up. Reports have also be made on whether Apple will decide to debut the radically thinner 12” macbook air which was exclusively profiled on 9to5Mac. 

Overall, I think the majority of the event will consist of the Apple Watch, which is to be expected, but I think that we may see other products in the event, such as the Macbook hardware upgrades and there also might be a focus on smaller products to be renewed such as the Apple TV and products alike. I am really uncertain about the bigger screened iPads but anything is possible.

I will be doing an Apple Event overview post, which will most likely be posted on the weekend following the event. 

What do you think will make an appearance at the event? What do you want to see? Do you think the Apple Watch will be successful? Comment below, I’d love to hear what you think! 

©beady1997     ©google images

Saturday 8 November 2014

Doctor Who - Episode Review - Series 8 - Episode 12 - 'Death in Heaven'

Episode Review - Series 8 - Episode 12 - 'Death in Heaven' 

Hello again, 12 weeks on from my last blog post, and the latest series of Doctor Who has came to an end. I was going to be reviewing all 12 episodes but as you can see that hasn't happened, I have been plagued with work, so I thought to make it even and review the last episode of the series for you, hold on to your hats, this one was a whopper of an episode!

To begin, I am going to discuss the narrative. The Episode was the second part of the previous episode 'Dark Water', for ease I will not be talking about the first part in depth but will give you an overview of the goings on for the context of the review.

Missy AKA The Master
Missy, who was revealed as the master in the previous episode is back to bring death upon the earth. We see an army of Cyberman which is led by Missy. The scenes are iconic as it is set in the surroundings of St Paul's Cathedral, which relates to a previous episode of Doctor Who with the same villain and surroundings. Missy has set up an army of Cybermen, which she will use to kill every human on the planet. But she has more Cybermen than we first thought, in the previous episode we see Danny Pink get hit by a car, and die, and then appear in a after life world, which really turns out to be a hard drive storing dead peoples souls, which is Time Lord technology, as notified by Missy. These people stored in the drive are then used to make their dead bodies 'upgrade' into a Cyberman form, creating a bigger army. I think that the narrative of the story was unique and engaging, Steven Moffat includes moments of previous episodes, but he kept the story fresh and witty as he always does. I think that the story was imaginative and really got me thinking for hours after the episode about if the after life was a reality, which really shows the episode did its soul purpose of captivating minds. Moffat also made fan fiction into a reality by showing that Time Lords can regenerate into women, doing this certainly made the show fresh as it wasn't just brining back the master which if they did just bring him back then the episode would of lost its engagement.
The Cyberman plaguing London in 1968.

Lastly, we see an old friend, as Missy is about to be killed by the Doctor, former UNIT member Brigadier comes back as Cyberman form to kill Missy, and saves his daughter from the plane crash earlier on in the episode. We see her mentioned that her dad also wanted a salute off the Doctor, and he certainly got that off him after the killing of Missy. This was an incredible idea, and only Moffat could of thought of something like that, which again linked previous episodes, keeping that massive life of the Doctor, alive.

Visual effects were great as always, we had flying Cybermen, exploding planes, and even St Paul's Cathedral roof opening up! BBC have a great crew on the Doctor Who team getting special effects mastered. The little things we see aren't noticed but without them the reality of the show would be lost. My favourite effect would have to be the prosthetic face of Danny Pink, we see Clara take off his mask and reveal his corpse ridden face, this was amazing make-up effects and really just made it that extra bit weird and eyrie.
Danny Pink in Cyberman form

Overall, the episode was a packed show, full of emotions, and most of all it was fresh, Moffat still kept in key detail from the Doctors past, but he never fails to make an episode unique and new. I think that it would have to be my favourite episode of Doctor Who yet. The return of the master was unexpected and was carried out in a wonderful way to show that women can be Time Lords. I am really excited for the Christmas special and really hope that Clara returns. Lastly, Peter Capaldi is a great Doctor, over the 12 episodes he has grown to be my Doctor, and he now officially owns the title! Capaldi has played the role fantastically, and I am looking forward to the future of Doctor Who!

Did you like the episode? What was your favourite moment? Email me your thoughts at: or comment below!

©beady1997    ©google images

Monday 25 August 2014

Doctor Who- Episode Review- Series 8- Episode 1- 'Deep Breath'

Episode Review- Series 8 - Episode 1- 'Deep Breath'

So, just to give a bit of context, this is a new thing that I will be doing throughout the whole series 8 of Doctor Who. I feel that this is a great time to do it as this is a whole new look on the doctor, as the actor is not the usual type for the doctor, it will be exciting a different to see the character played by a unusual actor. There will be lots to review from the narrative, to visual effects, so I am going to kick off with the review of the first episode, ‘Deep Breath’.

This was the first episode we see Peter Capaldi playing the doctor in full. So, seeing as he is new I thought I would talk about him being the doctor, and how well I think he settled into the role.

At the start of the episode, it took a bit of getting used to, he is a 'different' sort of doctor, as most of the recent doctors have been quite funny, up-lifting, I found that Capaldi took a different approach to the doctor to make him unusual from the rest, I was getting a 'dark' vibe from him, and I think he isn't a happy man and he moans a lot, which adds comedy to his character. I had to adjust to his fast paced voice, I don't know if you can relate, but at the start of the episode, I wasn't certain on what Capaldi was saying, and his accent is quite native, which takes some getting used to, which I did in the middle of the episode.

To summarise, Capaldi's acting was 'Brilliant' that is one of many things the casting team are good at the BBC, casting decisions, he definitely is a varied actor, I have seen him on many different programmes, and he can create a character that is unique!

Now moving on to the narrative, I think the story was a great way to introduce the doctor to the world. Some people I have spoken to about the episode have said 'I wish we saw the crash landing of the 'tardis', at the beginning of the episode', I think it was a good idea not to include the crash scene, as I feel it would be repetitive to the previous doctor's regenerations, so not including made the episode that extra bit better, as it is a very predictable scene.

Now, adding to the exciting part of narrative, we see all manner of stories of events, we see a giant dinosaur parading through London in victorian England, Moffat doesn't let us down with that quirky and fun idea. We also have a new 'alien', I say new, it was a cyborg/clockwork/human thingy, I am not certain on the character name, but it does remind me of the clock-work robots on an older episode with Tennant, which we did hear a reference of this episode, which was a nice touch, keeping the other episodes alive within the new series, which kept the narrative alive too. Moving on, we see a nice appearance of 'Strax' and 'Madame Vastra' (well known lizard from previous episodes).

Lastly on the narrative side, we see Matt Smith former doctor, he phoned back Clara to tell her to 'look after him' meaning his future self. I thought this was a great thing to do, Moffat linked the actions in the Christmas special to the new episode, we see the 11th doctor, talking from 'trenseilor'. Again I like how the writers are integrating and keeping his previous lives alive, that way the narrative is much easy to understand.

Next, Visual effects, this is always an area the BBC team never fail to disappoint, if your a long 'whovian' then you will know that the VS on the show are incredible and immersive. I am just going to cover the basis of the effects, there are plenty of effects on the episode that I probably won't mention, (there were so many!). 

Dinosaur, London, both of these were all CGI and graphical effects, the actors were standing on a little bit of set and the rest of London (big ben) was all generated, but I didn't really notice this until after I watched 'Doctor Who EXTRA' which is a behind the scenes show. Oh, did I forget the dinosaur was fake too, I know I thought it was real, sorry to disappoint but it was CGI, but it was bloody fantastic, and the actors had a great reaction to an invisible dinosaur! There were loads of effects through out but it is hard to keep track of them all. 

To conclude, I think the episode overall was greatly written, and the narrative was great with references from previous episodes a while ago, to the former doctor speaking from the Christmas special, the episode was an all round, amazing start to the series, and I am really looking forward to the next episode, this saturday. 

Well, thats the end of the first review for this series, see you next week for the 2nd instalment of the blogs! Thanks for taking the time to read my crappy, poorly written blog, but I really enjoy writing these, and I am glad to share my thoughts on the episode. 

What did you think of the episode? Do you like the new doctor? Email me your thoughts at or comment below!

Bye, Kade!

©beady1997  ©google images

Monday 21 July 2014

Things that Grind my Gears!

New Series of Blogs!

Hello again, I am back this time, no I mean it, I am back! As you probably can tell this blog is titled 'Things that Grind my Gears', basically this is a series of blogs that I will be making, writing about the things I hate, and that annoy me. Of course I will give my reasons and I don't want anyone to get offended as this is just MY opinion, but I would love to hear what you think of the things I dislike, or even mention things you dislike.

Smoking in Public

As you may know if you are a resident of the UK, smoking in a public place is illegal, well thats what I thought, but it seems that if it is outside (of the public place) then it is fine. I know some people may think I am being a bit petty, but seriously if I can smell or breathe smoke it makes me uncomfortable. I really dislike it when eating outside of a pub, someone is smoking and then I have to eat my food around this person, I feel that when people smoke, they need to do away from people, and I don't mean in the middle of a path where people walk past, I mean in a designated area.

Recently, I took a short break down the coast, in England, I noticed that a lot, I mean A LOT, of parents, were smoking freely around their children, especially people in cars, with babies in the back.

There are many reasons why I hate this, obviously it is passive smoking, which means that the smoke can have the same affect on the people surrounding the smoker, which can obviously for children become a big problem when growing up. Secondly, the children have no choice, if that child has health issues in later life, because of the affect of smoke, they can't do anything about it, and a child can't exactly tell their parents to stop, or even acknowledge that it can have effects, so I think that parents need to have more care. 

I was reading an article, a couple of months back about peoples thoughts on the matter, and parents feel that if they are outside with the children, the fumes will just go up in to the air, WRONG. It is a fact that smoke lingers, and can linger for hours, meaning that children who go in to the effected area, can still be attacked by the harmful toxins. 

What can parents do? They need to make sure they smoke away from there child, not out of a door, whilst the child sits in the room, but in an isolated area. I know this can sound all a little dramatic but smoking can really damage a child's health. 

I know many people may disagree with me, and I feel that this would be so difficult to police, but It would be great if it was banned, now I don't mind people smoking, but when I have to sit in an effected area, I think its against my rights to have to breathe it in. I do feel that the government need to do a lot more to tackle this, but not just rising prices, as we all know this hardly has an effect on anything, as if someone wants something they will get it. 

It just really grinds my gears when I come across people smoking near children, that is the worst thing for me to witness. There is a lot that can be done to stop smoking and get more people to quit. I really feel that smoking is a bad decision, because not only it can damage your health but it can also damage your finances.

I am going to conclude my first chapter of , 'things that grind my gears!', I hope you enjoy it, and please take into account that this is my own opinion, and I would love to hear your thoughts. 

What do you think about smoking? How could this issue be tackled? Comment below or email me your thoughts to (with subject line, the title of article). 

Thanks, see you again soon!

©beady1997 ©google images

Monday 7 April 2014

I am back!

Welcome Back!

I am going to start blogging again! I do try my best to make Youtube videos at the moment but I find blogging a lot easier. I have a number of different things coming up, such as a Call of Duty: Ghosts new map pack review. Covering all the different maps and extinction, so tune in for that sometime next week. Please follow me on twitter @Beady1997 if you want to be notified when I update my blog. I can imagine that sounds like I am desperate for followers, I'm not, or am I? hehe. 

I also will be talking about whats occurring in the news, so current affairs. Don't worry I won't be picking boring stories or depressing stories, I will pick a story that is different and will get you guys engaged with it, and feel free to ask question, I would sure to answer them on my blog too. 

Lastly, I will be talking about what is going on in my life too. So if I visit somewhere then I may blog, take some photos. I also might talk about exams and what I am up to, I find that helps me as I feel as if I am talking to someone and they are listening, well reading. I know that sounds odd but it does help and even if know reads this I can imagine they are. Anyway I am off now, I am kind of turning this into a story. It is late at night so if there is any grammatical errors feel free to complain to the tiredness I have right now. 

Thanks, Kade. 

Ok, this just got letter like, I must stop. If you like this style of writing let me know, if you hate let me know but in a kind and gentle way, ok I am getting delusional now, bye.  
